#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> using namespace std; long long dp[12][12][1<<13]; int n, m; int tab[12][12]; int main(){ int c = 1; int T; scanf("%d", &T); while(T--){ memset(tab, 0, sizeof(tab)); scanf("%d %d", &n, &m); for(int lx = 0;lx < n;lx++) for(int ly = 0;ly < m;ly++) scanf("%d", &tab[lx][ly]); memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); dp[0][0][0] = 1; for(int lx = 0;lx <= n;lx++){ if(lx){ for(int sts = 0;sts < 1<<(m);sts++) dp[lx][0][sts] = dp[lx-1][m][sts]; } for(int ly = 0;ly < m;ly++){ //printf("(%d, %d):\n", lx, ly); for(int sts = 0;sts < 1<<(m+1);sts++){ //printf("\t sts %d = %lld\n", sts, dp[lx][ly][sts]); int lf = sts&(1<<m); int up = sts&(1<<ly); long long val = dp[lx][ly][sts]; if(tab[lx][ly] == 0){ if(lf == 0 and up == 0) dp[lx][ly+1][sts] += val; continue; } if(lf&&up) dp[lx][ly+1][sts^lf^up] += val; else if(lf||up) dp[lx][ly+1][sts] += val, dp[lx][ly+1][sts^(1<<m)^(1<<ly)] += val; else dp[lx][ly+1][sts^(1<<m)^(1<<ly)] += val; } } } printf("Case %d: There are %lld ways to eat the trees.\n", c, dp[n][m][0]); c++; } return 0; }
2015年2月10日 星期二
HDUOJ 1693 Eat the Trees
張貼留言 (Atom)