{0~9}*{0~9} = {0~9} 的表
像 ab * cd = (a*b)(c*d)
測資超兇QQ 總之最後過了.....
#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<vector> #include<utility> #include<map> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<cmath> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int int64; int64 p10[20]; int mm[10][10]; int dmove[10][10][65]; int mmove[10][20][65]; void TLE(){while(1);} int get_dmove(int a, int p, int64 n){ int nn = a; for(int s = 0;n;s++, n/=2){ if(n%2) nn = dmove[nn][p][s]; if(s >= 64) TLE(); } return nn; } int get_mmove(int a, int c, int64 n){ int nn = a; for(int s = 0;n;s++, n/=2){ if(n%2) nn = mmove[nn][c][s]; if(s >= 64) TLE(); } return nn; } int gain(int64 src, int p){ return (src/p10[p])%10; } int main() { freopen("binary.in", "r", stdin); freopen("binary.out", "w", stdout); p10[0] = 1; for(int lx = 1;lx <= 19;lx++) p10[lx] = p10[lx-1]*10LL; for(int lx = 0;lx < 10;lx++) for(int ly = 0;ly < 10;ly++) scanf("%d", &mm[lx][ly]); for(int lx = 0;lx < 10;lx++) for(int ly= 0;ly < 10;ly++) dmove[lx][ly][0] = mm[lx][ly]; for(int ln = 1;ln <= 64;ln++) for(int lx = 0;lx < 10;lx++) for(int ly = 0;ly < 10;ly++) dmove[lx][ly][ln] = dmove[dmove[lx][ly][ln-1]][ly][ln-1]; for(int lc = 0;lc <= 18;lc++){ for(int ln = 0;ln <= 64;ln++){ for(int la = 0;la<10;la++){ if(ln == 0){ int st = la; for(int lx = 0;lx < 10;lx++) st = get_dmove(st, lx, p10[lc]); mmove[la][lc][0] = st; }else{ mmove[la][lc][ln] = mmove[mmove[la][lc][ln-1]][lc][ln-1]; } } } } int64 a, b; scanf("%I64u %I64u", &a, &b); //if(b < 9*p10[17]+5*p10[16] and b > p10[17]) TLE(); //if(a > b) TLE(); int64 mao = 0; for(int prb = 0;prb <= 18 and p10[prb] <= b;prb++){ int64 step = b-a; int st = gain(a, prb); //if(st >= 10) TLE(); int64 delta1 = p10[prb]-a%p10[prb]-1LL; delta1 = min(step, delta1); st = get_dmove(st, st, delta1); step -= delta1; for(int lx = gain(a, prb)+1;lx <= 9;lx++){ int64 tostep = min(step, p10[prb]); st = get_dmove(st, lx, tostep); step -= tostep; } if(step == 0){ mao += st*p10[prb]; continue;} int64 down = a/p10[prb]/10LL + 1LL; int64 up = b/p10[prb]/10LL; if(up < down ) TLE(); st = get_mmove(st, prb, up-down); step -= p10[prb]*(up-down)*10; if(step < 0) TLE(); for(int lx = 0;lx < gain(b, prb);lx++){ step -= p10[prb]; st = get_dmove(st, lx, p10[prb]); if(step < 0) TLE(); } step -= b%p10[prb]+1; st = get_dmove(st, gain(b, prb), b%p10[prb]+1LL); if(step) TLE(); mao += st*p10[prb]; } printf("%I64u\n", mao); return 0; }