#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<vector> #include<utility> #include<map> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<cmath> using namespace std; typedef long long int int64; bool vis[1001][1001]; bool tab[1001][1001]; int quex[2000000], quey[2000000]; int main() { int n,m; for(;;){ scanf("%d %d", &n, &m); if(n+m == 0) break; char str[1011]; for(int lx = 0;lx < n;lx++){ scanf("%s", str); for(int ly = 0;ly < m;ly++) tab[lx][ly] = str[ly]=='1'; } memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); int cnt = 0; for(int lx = 0;lx < n;lx++){ for(int ly = 0;ly < m;ly++){ if(vis[lx][ly]) continue; if(not tab[lx][ly]) continue; int st = 0, ed = 1; quex[st] = lx, quey[st] = ly; cnt++; vis[lx][ly] = true; while(st < ed){ int px = quex[st], py = quey[st]; st++; if(px-1 >= 0 and tab[px-1][py] and not vis[px-1][py]) {vis[px-1][py] = true, quex[ed] = px-1, quey[ed] = py; ed++;} if(px+1 < n and tab[px+1][py] and not vis[px+1][py]) {vis[px+1][py] = true, quex[ed] = px+1, quey[ed] = py; ed++;} if(py-1 >= 0 and tab[px][py-1] and not vis[px][py-1]) {vis[px][py-1] = true, quex[ed] = px, quey[ed] = py-1; ed++;} if(py+1 < m and tab[px][py+1] and not vis[px][py+1]) {vis[px][py+1] = true, quex[ed] = px, quey[ed] = py+1; ed++;} if(px+1 < n and py+1 < m and tab[px+1][py+1] and not vis[px+1][py+1]) {vis[px+1][py+1] = true, quex[ed] = px+1, quey[ed] = py+1; ed++;} if(px+1 < n and py-1 >= 0 and tab[px+1][py-1] and not vis[px+1][py-1]) {vis[px+1][py-1] = true, quex[ed] = px+1, quey[ed] = py-1; ed++;} if(px-1 >= 0 and py+1 < m and tab[px-1][py+1] and not vis[px-1][py+1]) {vis[px-1][py+1] = true, quex[ed] = px-1, quey[ed] = py+1; ed++;} if(px-1 >= 0 and py-1 >= 0 and tab[px-1][py-1] and not vis[px-1][py-1]) {vis[px-1][py-1] = true, quex[ed] = px-1, quey[ed] = py-1; ed++;} } } } printf("%d\n",cnt); } return 0; }